
The library is packaged as a pre-compiled platform wheel, available on PyPi.

It can be installed with : pip install hermes-python.

Or you can add it to your requirements.txt file.

Building from source

If you want to use hermes-python on platforms that are not supported, you have to manually compile the wheel.

You need to have rust and cargo installed :

curl -sSf

Clone, the hermes-protocol repository :

git clone
cd hermes-protocol/platforms/hermes-python

You can then build the wheel :

virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
python bdist_wheel

The built wheels should be in platforms/hermes-python/dist

You can install those with pip : pip install platforms/hermes-python/dist/<your_wheel>.whl

Advanced wheel building

We define a new API for including pre-compiled shared objects when building a platform wheel.

python bdist_wheel

This command will compile the hermes-mqtt-ffi Rust extension, copy them to an appropriate location, and include them in the wheel.

We introduce a new command-line argument : include-extension which is a way to include an already compiled (in previous steps) hermes-mqtt-ffi extension in the wheel.

Its usage is the following : include-extension=<default | the/path/to/your/extension.[so|dylib]>

For instance :

python bdist_wheel --include-extension=default

The default value for include-extension will look up for pre-compiled extension in the default paths (in hermes-protocol/target/release/libhermes_mqtt_ffi.[dylib|so] and hermes-protocol/platforms/hermes-python/hermes_python/dylib).

python bdist_wheel --include-extension=<the/path/to/your/extension.[so|dylib]>

When doing x-compilation, you can also specify the target platform :

python bdist_wheel --include-extension=<the/path/to/your/extension.[so|dylib]> --plat-name=<the_platform_tag>